Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Social responsibilities and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social responsibilities and ethics - Essay Example The other impact is that the local community gets leadership and become more organized and coexist. The businesses require the local community to handle the projects due to sustainability purposes. This therefore means that the community has to have some form of organization on how the project will be run and maintained and this will lead to leadership. This organization uplifts coexistence among the community members as well as less conflicts and hence the project is likely to be sustainable. A negative impact of businesses on the local community is the assimilation the local community undergoes. Even though this does not happen in all communities, most community members due to constant interaction with the businesses start abandoning their culture to be more like the individuals in the business. This leads to loss of culture and even conflicts in the long run among the community members and spouses as well. This especially happens when the business people are involved in the project for long period of

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